Saturday, May 7, 2011

The fun...

COMMENTS: I've mentioned before how I often like to play with my manis right before removal... Here's the chaos I created before taking off my last one:

Right hand:

And sayy goodbye to the longer nails... See that right index fingernail? It's been through a few corner breaks, so as you can see, it's substantially shorter than the rest. I normally keep my right thumbnail short, but if any other nail breaks I take them all down - which I did right after removing this.


  1. I hate when I break one!!!

    Still, great mani!!!

  2. Love this...I do the same thing! It's about to go anyway, so why not experiment! This is cute. :-)

  3. What a great idea and insight to how you probably come up with some of your mani ideas. I took all of my nails down today. I don't normally wear them long and they had gotten very long :P So now I haz nubbins again and dark vampy Illamasqua colors on them. yay!

  4. These are really cute....I'm with you my pinky broke and I cut them all down. Back to nubbins :)

  5. I never thought about that...will have to play around before I pull out the polish remover! Thanks. Shame to see the pretty long nails go-so graceful

  6. OMG I love your blog! I just went through almost the whole thing. I love what you've been doing with the hexagon glitters! f you get a chance you can check mine out, but it's no where near as good as yours!

  7. I should do this. Mess with my nails just before removal. How stupid of me not to....

  8. This actually cute in some weird. At least some of them are. I'm also in the same boat with you with my wretched thumb nail.


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