Friday, April 29, 2011

Kleancolor - TLC

TOPCOAT?: In most photos, yes
SOURCE: Beauty supply in downtown Los Angeles
COMMENTS: Is there such a thing as a neon pastel? I felt like this color fit that description (and quite a few people commented on it), but I like it.  I got the new Bundlemonster plates and decided to be brave and try some stamping. Alas, my stamped pattern in white was too subtle, so I tried outlining it with a white polish. Nice up close, but the stamped pattern still wasn't visible from afar. Ah well...

up close - before topcoat:


  1. That definitely is a pastel neon! It's a shame that the stamp was too subtle. The design is really pretty!

  2. Oooh I love this color--very unique; it looks so pretty on you! I have to get my butt down to LA. I think I like it better without the stamping.

  3. LOVE that green, I've never seen a colour like it and I want it lol can't get Kloeancolor here though :(

  4. I love this pattern! The design is so "arabesque"...

  5. Very nice manicure, I love the design.

  6. Really awesome shade! I will have to look for this one. I actually like the stamp, but I can see it would be subtle from far away. It's so pretty!

  7. Oh I like it! Very subtle yet elegant!

  8. Oooh those look so cool. I never paint my nails and if I did they'd never come out looking as fab as that! lol

    I'm going to have to check out more of your posts...just randomly found your blog today.


  9. Oooh, I love the design! So pretty and classic.

  10. oh! what an aweseome mani! and so nicely bright!

  11. I have awarded you with the "Kreativ Blogger" award! Check it out here:

  12. Gorgeous! I think you were spot on when you called it a neon pastel! I love the konading too!

  13. Gorgeous colour. I like the subtle stamping. It's like a secret thats there for the whole world to see, if they look for it.

  14. Oooh, I like that pattern. Apparently there is such a thing as pastel neon. Ha! Who knew? /shields eyes

  15. What a lovely pattern!!
    You have many very pretty nails here. I added you as my favourite list :)

  16. I've been away for a few days and look what you go and do? This is beautiful! I love the color choices and I LOVE how your "lace" is inside the bold lines.

  17. Soooooo pretty! I don't think the stamping is too subtle with the white outline - I guess from far away I can see what you're saying, but hey, nails are little from far away anyway, right? :) It's GORGEOUS and you are super, super creative! <3

  18. the stamp pattern in white on your nails with the green makes it look rather lace-like in appearance!

  19. Awesome color and I love the design!

  20. I agree with everyone about how awesome this color is, but it has the worst formula I've ever tried. Ever. And I have used hundreds polishes in my time. Save yourselves the heartache and go with China Glaze Highlight of My Summer instead, it's very close in color but has a decent formula, according to reviews I've read.

    1. I actually didn't have any problems with this one, and in fact used it as part of a franken later. We may have versions formulated at different times. Thanks for mentioning the alternative dupe for those who might have struggled with this though!


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