Sunday, August 19, 2012

My nail basics

Sally Beauty Supply


Another quick look at my nail basics...
Otra rápida mirada a mis fundamentos de uñas ...

Beauty Secrets Ridge Filler:

I only use this when I have a fingernail that has a bit of unevenness due to flaking. In these photos, I have it as the first layer on my index finger only.
**  Yo sólo uso esto cuando tengo una uña que tiene un poco de desnivel debido a la descamación. En estas fotos, lo tengo como primera capa en el dedo índice único.

Beauty Secrets Hardener  / Beauty Secrets Moisturizing Base Coat:

I alternate between these two (I wrote about the moisturizing base coat here) as my base coat.
**  Yo alterno entre estos dos (escribí sobre la capa de base hidratante aquí) como mi capa base.

Beauty Secrets Top Coat (Fast Finish Polish Dryer):

This is still my favorite top coat. Unfortunately, as I mentioned here, they changed the formula and bottles for this one. The new top coat from this brand dries very slowly. I was able to buy a few of the large bottles before they were all replaced with the new formula.
**  Este sigue siendo mi favorito capa superior. Desafortunadamente, como ya he dicho aquí, cambiaron la fórmula y botellas para éste. La nueva capa superior de esta marca se seca muy lentamente. Tuve la oportunidad de comprar algunas de las grandes botellas antes de que se sustituyeron todos con la nueva fórmula.

Two coats of (** 2 capas de) Beauty Secrets Nail Hardener:


  1. Your nails are gorgeous! I've seen those at Sally's and wondered about them. So glad to see a review! Thanks for sharing!

  2. your nails are so beautiful :)

  3. You have lovely nails...So envious! Beautiful, long fingers, too!

  4. your nails are beautiful... my curly nails frustrate me as I sigh and admire yours :)


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